We at Norwich Evangelical Free Church are no exception. We are an ordinary, unimpressive group of people, but we celebrate God's grace in forgiving all of our sins and making us brothers and sisters in his family. We endeavour to share the good news of eternal life by faith in Christ with people around us.
Confused about the name? You're not the first! This may help..! Expand
Norwich -
City of about 133 thousand inhabitants in Norfolk, UK. It has been described, after the 2011 census, as the most godless city in the country. If you know Norwich, do you agree?
Evangelical -
This means, as Wikipedia states, that we assert that the essence of the Christian Gospel is in the doctrine of salvation by faith in Christ's atonement. In other words it is all about what Jesus Christ did for us in dying for our sins on the cross, before rising from the dead. Historically, an 'Evangelical' Christian is someone with a confidence in everything the Bible says. We are happy to be known as people with that confidence!
Free -
You don't have to pay to come here! True of course, but what it stands for here is independence from the state church. We value fellowship with other churches very much, but in our church government and leadership we are an independent body.
Church -
Group of people who meet together. The Bible gives different illustrations of what a church is. One is a flock of sheep, gathered together and led by a shepherd (Christ).
Railway Mission -
It says this above the door of our building as it used to function as a mission station for the railway community. The Railway Mission still exists as a national organisation. We are no longer linked with them but have not lost the name!
Our Facebook page may have more info and updates.