Our regular meetings are on Sunday at 10:30am and at 3pm and on a Wednesday evening at 7:30pm.
A word of welcome
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings, regardless of age, ethnicity, background or belief. If you're planning to come along for the first time, we'll be pleased to see you and here's what to expect..
Sunday Services begin at 10.30am (and normally at 3pm also) and usually last between an hour and an hour and a quarter. You do not need to wear 'Sunday best' - we don't judge anyone according to how they are dressed. You'll be greeted at the door and given a hymnbook, and a Bible if you haven't brought one.
There is no reserved seating and you can sit where you feel most comfortable. The building is wheelchair accessible.
Our services usually include singing, a Bible reading or two, prayers and a sermon (a talk based on part of the Bible), generally led by one person on each occasion. We usually stand up to sing and remain seated for everything else. There's no obligation to join in with the singing and you won't be asked to pray out loud, come forward or to introduce yourself to everyone. We don't pass round a collection bag for donations.
After the morning service there is a time to talk informally and share in drinks and biscuits.
On Wednesday evening there is usually a slightly more in depth study of the Bible, sometimes involving discussion, and a time of open prayer but again, only those who wish to comment or pray out loud do so.